Plan Your Visit

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get there?
Let Google help! Put your address in here, and we'll see you soon.
How long will the service last?
A typical service lasts an hour, from 10:30-11:45. We receive communion on the first Sunday of each month and on other festival Sundays, so you may expect a slightly longer service on those days.
What should I wear?
You do you -- the Lord loves you just the way you are, and so do we! Some wear their Sunday best, some go for business casual, and some prefer jeans or shorts and tees. Wear what makes you comfortable.
What about my children?
We understand that parents want to make decisions about what's best for their children during worship. If you prefer for your child to remain in the service with you, know that we welcome wiggles and cherub voices! We also have some busy bags at the entrance of the church that you are welcome to use throughout the service to keep your little one occupied. Maybe you would rather your child get some age-appropriate instruction instead. If so, after the children's sermon, your child may depart for Children's Church, where our youth leaders and members assist with children's activities. You may pick your child up in the Fellowship Hall at the conclusion of worship. You may also drop off your preschool-aged child in the Fellowship Hall nursery before or during the worship service.
Where do I go when I arrive?
See those three big doors? Walk right in through the middle or right one. We have greeters who will welcome you and give you a bulletin outlining the order of the service. If you have any questions -- Where's the restroom? How does communion work? Do you know where so-and-so is? -- they'll be glad to help!
What about COVID precautions?
We made it through the tuff times and kept our church family safe. Here are some of the measures we used to minimized contact.
We pressed pause on some of our high-contact activities, like passing the offering plate and sharing the peace, but otherwise we offer a full service in our church building. You may wear a mask if you choose to, but it is not required.
Still not sure? We also offered a live radio transmission of our service. Pull into our parking lot, tune your radio to 87.9 and listen to the service that way.
If you were still not comfortable? Check out our online options above.
What should I expect?
We understand that many people do not like to be identified in front of the whole congregation, and we respect that. BUT... we also want you to know that we're glad you're with us. Our members will likely want to welcome you, so expect some warm greetings. We also hope you'll sign the registry book at the entrance and fill out a card located in the back of the pews. Let us know how we can follow up with you and pray for you. (It's kinda what we do!)